A Family Affair

A Family Affair

湯姆.法薩爾特Tom FASSAERT
  • Belgium
  • Denmark
  • Netherlands
B&W, Colour
  • DCP
Asian Premiere P

A Family Affair


On his thirtieth birthday, the director receives a mysterious invitation from his grandmother to come visit her in South Africa. At the time, he has only heard from his father that she was a famous model in the 1950s and a mother who put her two sons into a children’s home. He decides to accept her invitation, and soon his venture becomes more complicated than he could have imagined.

Festivals & Awards
2015 Opening Film, IDFA


場次地點 場次時間 場次備註 加入我的行程
新光一廳 2016/05/06 - 08:10 to 10:05 QA場 Login or Sign up
新光一廳 2016/05/08 - 02:30 to 04:25 QA場 Login or Sign up