本單元試圖以「紀錄的原初」為關鍵字,介紹1960年代末至70年代初期,北美風起雲湧的前衛電影運動浪潮中,三位重要作者及其作品。他們分別是約拿斯.梅卡斯(Jonas MEKAS, 1922-2019)、喬依絲.威蘭(Joyce WIELAND, 1930-1998)與賴瑞.高譚(Larry GOTTHEIM, 1936-)。
Stranger than Documentary: The Faces of Avant-garde
Seeking the 'original forms' of documentaries, this programme selects 17 films by three iconic filmmakers of the avant-garde film movement in North America during the late 1960s to 1970s. They are Jonas MEKAS (1922–2019), Joyce WIELAND (1930–1998), and Larry GOTTHEIM (1936–).
Combining personal perspectives with experimental attitudes towards filmmaking, these filmmakers created moving image works with immense possibilities and broadened the definition of cinema. In essence, their avant-garde practices represent cinema in its purest form.