March Brandenburg, Inc.

March Brandenburg, Inc.

弗柯・克普Volker KOEPP
  • Germany
  • 35mm

March Brandenburg, Inc.


The final instalment of March Brandenburg trilogy moves away from the town of Zehdenick in order to focus on the rural areas north of Berlin. Made in the period between the currency union in East Germany and the official reunification in October 1990, the film shows how drastically the lives of the residents have changed, as crippling unemployment has taken the place of hard work.


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新光一廳 2021/05/02 - 05:00 to 06:15 映後Q&A短片 Login or Sign up
新光一廳 2021/05/06 - 06:40 to 07:55 映後Q&A短片 Login or Sign up