Space Dogs

Space Dogs

艾兒莎.克倫瑟, 雷文.沛特Elsa KREMSER, Levin PETER
  • Austria
  • Germany
B&W, Colour
  • DCP

Space Dogs


Laika, a stray dog, was the first living being sent into the outer space and a certain death. According to a legend, her ghost has returned to the Earth and roamed the streets of Moscow ever since. Interwoven with Soviet archive materials from the Space Race, this magical documentary is filmed at the eye level of a dog, following Laika's poignant trail and accompanying her spiritual descendants, a pack of street dogs, on their poetic yet brutal adventures in today's Moscow.

Festivals & Awards
2019 Locarno FF
2020 CPH:DOX


場次地點 場次時間 場次備註 加入我的行程
華山光點一廳 2021/05/02 - 09:40 to 11:11 映後Q&A短片 Login or Sign up
華山光點一廳 2021/05/04 - 07:50 to 09:21 映後Q&A短片 Login or Sign up