Directors Talk and Extended Q&A
► Filmmaker in Focus: Talk with Peter KEREKES
Time|05.14 TUE 19:00–20:30
Venue|C-LAB R102 Coworking Space
Speaker|Peter KEREKES, Filmmaker in Focus
※ Collaboration with
► Filmmaker in Focus: Talk with Viera ČÁKANYOVÁ
Time|05.18 SAT 20:00
Venue|Vie Show Taipei Qsquare Cinema 10
Speaker|Viera ČÁKANYOVÁ, Filmmaker in Focus
★ The talk is a post-screening event of Notes from Eremocene. Please purchase tickets for the screening. If seats are still available after the screening, there will be a queue for admission to the talk.
► Extended Q&A of Euromaidan. Rough Cut
Time|05.17 FRI 15:30
Venue|SPOT-Huashan A Two
Darya AVERCHENKO, producer of Euromaidan. Rough Cut
Yuliia KOVALENKO, Programme Director of Docudays UA IHRDFF
★ Please purchase tickets for the screening. If seats are still available after the screening, there will be a queue for admission to the Extended Q&A.
場次地點 | 場次時間 | 備註 | 我的行程 | |
臺灣當代文化實驗場 102共享吧 | 2024/05/14 - 19:00 to 20:30 | Login or Sign up | ||
華山光點二廳 | 2024/05/17 - 15:30 to 17:00 | ★欲觀賞電影者須購票入場,座談將視現場情況安排候補入場,額滿為止。 | | Login or Sign up |
京站威秀十廳 | 2024/05/18 - 20:00 to 22:00 | ★此座談為《人類世,孤寂世》映後活動,欲觀賞電影者須購票入場,座談將視現場情況安排候補入場,額滿為止。 | | Login or Sign up |