TFAI Privacy and Information Safety Policy
Welcome to the Taiwan International documentary Festival (TIDF) website of the Taiwan Film and Audiovisual Institute (TFAI). To respect and safeguard your personal privacy rights, and help you understand how the TIDF website collects, processes, uses and shares the personal data that you provide, please read the following carefully.
Our privacy and information safety policy apply to the activities carried out on the TIDF website. However, please be aware that websites link within the TIDF website that are maintained by independent third parties have their own privacy policies. Therefore, each website will have its respective policy towards personal information protection and TFAI will not be responsible for any liabilities to those policies.
Information Collection
- TIDF website will not collect any personal information from individuals who simply browse or download from the website.
- The website server will record users' IP address, duration on the website and the webpages users browse.
- The TIDF website related activities business, it will collect your names and contact information.
Information Usage
- The information collected from TIDF website is used only for general analysis of website flow rates and internet behavior, assisting TFAI to upgrade the quality of TIDF website.
- If you provide personal information to TFAI for activities related to the TIDF, we will only use the information to contact you and for statistical analysis.
- The personal information collected by this website is limited to the affairs related to the TIDF; except with relevant consent, all information is for cultural administration, information services, information and database management, and other public departments to do relevant work, survey, statistical and research analysis, contracts, similar contracts or other legal matters and volunteer management.
- This website will not use the information for other purposes, nor will it modify or delete any personal information and files on its own for the purpose of carrying out relevant business, surveys, statistics and research analysis, contracts, similar contracts or other legal relationship matters and volunteer management.
Information Sharing
TFAI will not disclose your personal information to other institutions, groups, individuals or private enterprises, except for the following circumstances:
- To coordinate judicial investigations; or
- To coordinate other investigations conducted by other authorities concerned; or
- Out of good will; disclose personal information would serve the law or improve the website service; or
- When your behavior on this website violates the terms and conditions of TFAI, or possibly damages or obstructs the rights of TFAI or any individual, TFAI may reveal your personal information for the purposes of identifying, contacting, or taking legal action.
Self-Protection Measurements
Please do not reveal your personal information, password particularly, or any other confidential information to other individuals or agencies. In addition, please be reminded to log-out of your online account after using the online services on TIDF website, especially if you are using public computer, in order to prevent others from obtaining your personal information.
Cookies Usage
In order to provide better and more personalized on-line services, we will use cookie technology to store and track your information based on the following objectives and situations:
- To provide better personalized services and to facilitate your participation in personalized interactive activities, cookies are created when you log-in and modified when you log-out; or
- To count number of visitors and analyze browsing mode, in order to understand the web browsing situation, and use as a reference for improving the quality of the TIDF website
Any questions about TFAI Privacy and Information Safety Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us. (02-8522-8000)。