Venue: Auditorium, Changhua County Library (No. 500, Zhongshan Road Section 2, Changhua City, Changhua County 500)
Brochure Download|Programme|Schedule|DOC X Exhibition| DOC X Café|DOC X Talk|DOC X Outdoor Screening|MyVideo x TIDF Online Screening
【DOC X Exhibition】Reel Taiwan: A Selected Series of The Portrait of Hundred Occupations (1986-1991)
04.15 (SAT) - 04.30 (SUN)
Opening Hours: Thursday to Sunday 10:00-17:00
Venue: Official Residence Of Nanguo Magistrate (No. 7, Ln. 174, Sec. 1, Gongyuan Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County)
【DOC X Café】
04.15 (SAT) 19:00-21:40 Odoriko
Speaker: CHOU Kuan-jou, theater performer
Venue: Hao Atelier @ No. 353, Sec. 1, Shedou Rd., Shetou Township, Changhua County
※Admission fee: NTD $60
04.21 (FRI) 19:30-22:00 Epicentro
Speaker: Yenfei CHEN, member of The Kids from Lukang
Venue: Skinny Cafe (Lukang) @ 2F., No. 163, Zhongshan Rd., Lukang Township, Changhua County
※Registration require:
※Admission fee: NTD $150 (comes with a cup of coffee)
04.22 (SAT) 18:30-21:30 A Silent Gaze
Venue: 1/2 Room - Daily Goods & Art @ No. 377, Sec. 1, Nanguo Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County
04.23 (SUN) 18:30-21:40 Why Is Yellow the Middle of the Rainbow?|With introduction
Venue: 1/2 Room - Daily Goods & Art @ No. 377, Sec. 1, Nanguo Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County
04.25 (TUE) 19:00-20:40 Bontoc Eulogy
Speaker: WANG Pin-hua, curator
Venue: White Cube Cafe & Studio @ No. 50, Sec. 1, Gongyuan Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County
※Admission with minimum order policy
04.27 (THU) 19:00-20:50 Three Minutes - A Lengthening
Speaker: Sam CHIU, founder of LUKO Changhua Travel Library
Venue: White Cube Cafe & Studio @ No. 50, Sec. 1, Gongyuan Rd., Changhua City, Changhua County
※Admission with minimum order policy
【DOC X Talk】
04.16 (SUN)
14:00 Programme Guide
14:50 Special Screening: Apiyemiyekî?|With introduction
Venue: The Lostman Guesthouse @ No. 2, Ln. 44, Yongle St., Changhua City, Changhua County (Stable Fly Café 4F)
Zoey WU, TIDF/ Dept. of Documentary, TFAI
Jessie YANG, TIDF/ Dept. of Documentary, TFAI
【DOC X Outdoor Screening】
04.16 (SUN) 19:00-21:00 Remember Me
Speaker: HUNG Chun-hsiu, director
Venue: Changhua Qing'an Temple Court @ No. 78, Yongle St., Changhua City, Changhua County
Note: All screenings are with Chinese and English subtitles while all extended discussions are conducted in Mandarin.