近年來,China 獨立紀錄片受到官方更多關注,獨立影展更是接連被禁,創作越趨艱難,但真實不容禁錮,影展不該被斷電!本單元與北京獨立影像展(栗憲庭電影基金)、中國獨立影像展、重慶獨立影展、雲之南影展合作,爬梳近10年來生猛精采的 China 獨立紀錄片。「敬」是諧音(禁),也是敬佩與致敬!
Salute! Independent Documentaries in China
In recent years, the Chinese independent documentaries have attracted attention from the Chinese authorities. Moreover, the independent film festivals are often banned, or have the power cut off. Collaborating with Beijing Independent Film Festival (Lixianting Film Fund), CHINA Independent Film Festival, Chongqing Independent Film and Video Festival, and Yunnan Multi Cultural Visual Festival, we combed through the Chinese independent documentaries made in the past ten years and selected those in this category. This is a gesture to not only show our admiration but salute the independent filmmaking in China.