論壇│港台錄像對話1980-90s Panel│Hong Kong-Taiwan Video Art 1980-1990s
論壇│港台錄像對話1980-90s Panel│Hong Kong-Taiwan Video Art 1980-1990s
論壇│港台錄像對話1980-90s Panel│Hong Kong-Taiwan Video Art 1980-1990s
論壇│港台錄像對話1980-90s Panel│Hong Kong-Taiwan Video Art 1980-1990s
論壇│港台錄像對話1980-90s Panel│Hong Kong-Taiwan Video Art 1980-1990s
論壇│半世紀的回憶 :1960s的電影實驗 Panel│50 Years Ago: Film Experiments of the 1960s
論壇│半世紀的回憶 :1960s的電影實驗 Panel│50 Years Ago: Film Experiments of the 1960s
論壇│半世紀的回憶 :1960s的電影實驗 Panel│50 Years Ago: Film Experiments of the 1960s
論壇│東南亞 :由遠自近 ,由心而衷 Panel│Southeast Asia from a Distance / from the Heart
論壇│東南亞 :由遠自近 ,由心而衷 Panel│Southeast Asia from a Distance / from the Heart
論壇│東南亞 :由遠自近 ,由心而衷 Panel│Southeast Asia from a Distance / from the Heart
現場電影 Live Cinema
現場電影 Live Cinema
現場電影 Live Cinema
現場電影 Live Cinema
紀錄劇場:閱讀飢餓 Documentary Theatre: Reading Hunger
紀錄劇場:閱讀飢餓 Documentary Theatre: Reading Hunger
紀錄劇場:閱讀飢餓 Documentary Theatre: Reading Hunger
紀錄劇場:閱讀飢餓 Documentary Theatre: Reading Hunger
8mm放映 8mm Screening
8mm放映 8mm Screening
05.05-05.10 無菜單放映 Secret Screening @ Grassroots
05.05-05.10 無菜單放映 Secret Screening @ Grassroots
05.05-05.10 無菜單放映 Secret Screening @ Grassroots
05.05-05.10 無菜單放映 Secret Screening @ Grassroots
05.05-05.12 離線時間 TIDF Offline
05.05-05.12 離線時間 TIDF Offline
05.05-05.12 離線時間 TIDF Offline
05.08 影人之夜 Taiwan Docs Night
05.08 影人之夜 Taiwan Docs Night
05.10 影人半日遊 Taiwan Cultural _ Theme Tour
05.10 影人半日遊 Taiwan Cultural _ Theme Tour
01.31-02.03 青少年評審培訓營 Next Generation Award Panel Training
01.31-02.03 青少年評審培訓營 Next Generation Award Panel Training
04.13-04.15 青少年評審團評片 Next Generation Award Jury Meeting
04.13-04.15 青少年評審團評片 Next Generation Award Jury Meeting
05.07-05.09 亞洲紀錄片合製計畫工作坊 Asian Docs Co-production Workshop
05.07-05.09 亞洲紀錄片合製計畫工作坊 Asian Docs Co-production Workshop
05.07-05.09 亞洲紀錄片合製計畫工作坊 Asian Docs Co-production Workshop
05.07-05.09 亞洲紀錄片合製計畫工作坊 Asian Docs Co-production Workshop
2017.08.15-08.18 DOC DOC紀錄片工作坊
2017.08.15-08.18 DOC DOC紀錄片工作坊
2017.08.15-08.18 DOC DOC紀錄片工作坊
2017.08.15-08.18 DOC DOC紀錄片工作坊
「致敬也好,惡搞也好,它只是一種再現,所有的東西都是原創才有趣。」—原一男,《怒祭戰友魂》與《日本國VS.泉南石綿村》導演 “A salute or a prank, is merely a way of representation. It is only fun when everything is original.”- HARA Kazuo, director of The Emperor's Naked Army Marches On and Sennan Asbestos Disaster
妮娜.庫策夫,《透明世界》顧問 Nina KUNTSEV-GABASHVILI, Advisor of Transparent World
沙青,《獨自存在》導演 SHA Qing, director of Lone Existence
薩波.齊嘉索潘,《鐵道撿風景》導演 Sompot CHIDGASORNPONGSE, director of Railway Sleepers
「如果這是我們歷史的一部分,那我們就有權利去演繹它。」—榮念曾,《石頭記備忘錄》導演“If this is a part of our history, then we are entitled to interpret it.”- Danny Ning-tsun YUNG, director of Memorandum of the Rock
柯金源,《前進》導演KE Chin-yuan, director of The Age of Awakening
陳文彬,《此後》導演Akira CHEN, director of From Now On
吳文睿,《告別進行式》導演WU Wen-rui, director of Funeral Video
村上賢司,《蒐聲記》導演MURAKAMI Kenji, director of Sound Hunting
胡三壽,《偷羞子》導演 HU Sanshou, director of Dumb Men
希多.亨德里克斯,《天堂異鄉人》導演 Guido HENDRIKX, director of Stranger in Paradise
「我覺得你跟片子有距離是一件好事,如果太貼近的話會有情感的羈絆和聯結。不管你是不是喜歡片中的事物,都會有一種過度強烈的依附。」—焦點影人:萊拉.巴卡尼 “I think it is good to keep distance from your film. You will have emotional entanglement and connection if you are too close to it. It doesn’t matter if you like who/what’s in the film, there will always be a strong emotional attachment.”- Filmmaker in Focus: Laila PAKALNINA
黃惠偵,《日常對話》導演HUGAN Hui-chen, director of Small Talk
吳耀東,《Goodnight & Goodbye》導演WU Yao-tung, director of Goodnight & Goodbye
伊勢真一,《奈緒與家人的35年》導演 ISE Shinichi, director of Home, Sweet Home
「有的紀錄片會把事情都講得很清楚,我們想保留生活中的朦朧、曖昧。」—史杰鵬,《荒漠沙海》導演 “Some documentary elaborates every detail, but we want to keep the vagueness and ambiguity in life.”- J.P. SNIADECKI, director of El Mar la Mar
賽百斯汀.穆德,《自然:版權所有》導演 Sebastian MULDER, director of Nature: All Rights Reserved
艾沙.哈里.阿克巴,《鬪犬》導演 Esa Hari AKBAR, director of Canine
萬海,《月亮、太陽與劍客》導演 Vahagn KHACHATRYAN, director of The Moon the Sun and the Musketeers
Vijay Pratap SINGH、Ashok MEENA,《聖湖幻影》製片與攝影 Producer and cinematographers of Pushkar Myths
阿舍克.穆斯塔法,《內與外》導演 Ashique MOSTAFA, director of Interiors & Exteriors
蕭瀟,《團魚岩》導演XIAO Xiao, director of Turtle Rock
「同質性好像有巨大權力統治整個國家,但實質檢視後,好像下方都很空洞。」—敦斯卡.彭西迪佛拉高,《空洞的時間》導演 “Homogeneity seems like a massive force hovering above this country. But if you take a closer look, it seems quite hollow.”- Thunska PANSITTIVORAKUL, director of Homogeneous, Empty Time
陳志漢,《那個靜默的陽光午後》導演 Maso CHEN, director of The Silent Teacher
陳顗竹,《鄉愁/餘像》導演 CHEN Yi-chu, director of Spectrum of Nostalgia
李永超,《血琥珀》導演 LEE Yong-chao, director of Blood Amber
何宇恆,《彌留之際》導演 HO Yuhang director of As I Lay Dying
晉江,《上阿甲》導演 JIN Jiang, director of Shang' Ajia
「當國民心中認為自己的一點點小力量能夠讓國家有所改變,都可能是很大的力量。」—代島治彥,《三里塚:伊卡洛斯的殞落》導演 “When the citizens think their power could move the nation, then it may well be an immense force.”- DAISHIMA Haruhiko, director of The Fall of Icarus: Narita Stories
李香秀,《黑熊森林》導演 LEE Hsiang-hsiu, director of Black Bear Forest
安妮克.海瑟林,《在海中央,我的家鄉》導演 Annick GHIJZELINGS, director of Ma'ohi Nui, in the Heart of the Ocean My Country Lies
張也海.夏曼,《尋路航海》導演 CHANG Yeh-hai Hsia Man, director of Wayfinding to the Sea
卡文,《飄散空中的餘燼》導演 Khavn DE LA CRUZ, director of Alipato: the Very Brief Life of an Ember
米娜.克魯茲,《輪迴》與《蹂躪思緒》導演 Mina CRUZ, director of Recurrencia and Old Thoughts in Tattered Paper
「那時我就明白到電影的影像有這樣的能力,去抒發一些在你心裏,但不懂怎麼說的感情。」—林子穎,《地厚天高》導演 “It was then when I realized that the image in a film has this ability to convey the emotions which lie in your heart but we don’t know how to express.”- Nora Tze-wing LAM, director of Lost in the Fumes
馬丁.迪奇科,《未來的列車》導演Martin DICICCO, director of All that Passes by through a Window that Doesn't Open
林特.瑞斐斯,《借問阿嬤》導演 Bálint RÉVÉSZ, director of Granny Project
伊斯麥.法米.盧比思,《金曲達令》與《演猴論》導演 Ismail Fahmi LUBIS, director of Tarling Is Darling and Masked Monkey: the Evolution of Darwin's Theory
澎葉生,《山林》導演 Yannick DAUBY, director of Forests
莉賽特.歐洛茲可,《親密正義》導演 Lissette OROZCO, director of Adriana's Pact
「就是一種孤獨,或是說活著但好像不是真的活著,其實存在,然後被拋棄的感覺。」—金寶藍,《白狗》導演 “It is a kind of solitude. A feeling that you are alive but not living, you exist but you feel abandoned.”- KIM Bo-ram, director of Baek-gu
紀岳君,《徐自強的練習題》導演 CHI Yueh-chun, director of Condemned Practice Mode
尼可拉.瓦涅赫,《南斯拉夫大飯店》導演 Nicolas WAGNIÈRES, director of Hotel Jugoslavija
李立劭,《那山人這山事》導演 LEE Li-shao, director of Stranger in the Mountains
羅克斯李,《綠搖椅之夢》、《推車的人》與《吶喊在馬尼拉》導演 Roxlee, director of Green Rocking Chair, Yours Trolley and Manila Scream
「如果要拍片我一定要有非常強烈的動機。」─珠兒.馬拉南,《無人知曉的風和日麗》導演 ‘I must have a very strong motivation when I decide to make a film.’- Jewel MARANAN, director of In the Claws of a Century Wanting
李佳泓、黃奕捷、廖烜榛,《錢江衍派》導演 LEE Chia-hung, HUANG I-chieh, LIAO Xuan-zhen, directors of Time Splits in the River
沈可尚《時光中》導演SHEN Ko-shang, director of Moment within Time
「時光台灣2018:翻檔案」單元導演群,左起:黃庭輔、姜秀瓊、廖克發、林婉玉、侯季然、陳芯宜、傅榆、林泰州、吳端盛 Filmmakers of Reel Reel Taiwan 2018: Archives Revisited section, from left: HUANG Ting-fu ,CHIANG Hsiu-chiung, LAU Kek-huat, Jessica Wan-yu LIN, HOU Chi-jan, Singing CHEN, FU Yue, LIN Tay-jou, Laha MEBOW and WU Duan-sheng
「台灣切片│想像式前衛:1960s的電影實驗」單元影人,左起:張照堂、韓湘寧、莊靈、賴成英、黃貴蓉、李南華、黃永松 Filmmakers of ‘Tawain Spectrum│Imagining the Avant-garde: Film Experiments in the 1960s’ section, from left: CHANG Chao-tang, HAN Hsiang-ning, CHUANG Ling, LAI Cheng-ying, HUANG Gui-rong, LI Nan-hua, HUANG Yung-sung
《上山》與《跑道終點》劇組,左起:蔡篤元、黃貴蓉、劉引商、黃永松 The crew staffs of The Mountain and At the Runway's Edge, from left: Donald TSAI, HUANG Gui-rong, LIU Yin-shang and HUANG Yung-sung.