Remote Control

Remote Control

  • France
  • DCP
Int'l Premiere P

Remote Control


Tehran, June 2013. Massed in front of their TV, the Iranian people comment on the presidential campaign broadcast by national channels. After the post-election riots in 2009, do they still believe in politics? In the privacy of their homes, facing state propaganda and images of the West, Egypt or Syria, women and men freely talk about their hopes, anger and fears.

Festivals & Awards
2016 TIDF Author’s POV Award
2015 FID, Marseille
2015 Grand Prize, International Festival Signes de Nuit


場次地點 場次時間 場次備註 加入我的行程
新光二廳 2016/05/08 - 02:20 to 03:25 QA場 Login or Sign up
新光二廳 2016/05/09 - 07:10 to 08:15 QA場 Login or Sign up
華山光點一廳 2016/05/15 - 07:00 to 07:50 得獎加映 Login or Sign up
台中大墩文化中心 2017/02/22 - 11:00 to 11:50 Login or Sign up
台中沙鹿電影藝術館(沙鹿深波分館) 2017/02/25 - 02:00 to 02:50 映前導讀或映後分享 Login or Sign up
新北市府中15 2017/03/08 - 06:00 to 06:50 Login or Sign up
高雄市電影館 2017/03/12 - 06:00 to 06:50 Login or Sign up
國立臺灣文學館演講廳 2017/03/18 - 11:00 to 11:50 Login or Sign up
桃園光影電影館 2017/05/06 - 11:00 to 12:55 Login or Sign up
台東秀泰影城 2017/06/03 - 05:30 to 06:20 Login or Sign up