A Moment of Innocence

A Moment of Innocence

穆森.馬克馬巴夫Mohsen MAKHMALBAF
  • France
  • Iran
  • 35mm

A Moment of Innocence


During Shah’s regime when Mohsen MAKHMALBAF was a 17-year-old guerrilla, he, along with a girl, attacked a policeman to disarm him. Twenty years later, MAKHMALBAF, now a film director, re-encounters the policeman and decides to make a film about the incident from today’s view. The director and policeman each follows his own youth with a separate camera to track the truth.

Festivals & Awards
1997 Taipei Golden Horse FF
1996 Special Jury Award, Locarno FF


場次地點 場次時間 場次備註 加入我的行程
新光二廳 2016/05/07 - 07:30 to 08:50 QA場 Login or Sign up
新光二廳 2016/05/13 - 03:20 to 04:40 Login or Sign up

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