I Am the People

I Am the People

  • Egypt
  • France
  • DCP

I Am the People


As the Egyptian people rise up in Tahrir Square, rural villagers in the south are watching the revolution on TV. From the overthrow of MUBARAK to the fall of MORSI, the film follows the upheavals through the eyes of Farraj, a peasant in the Nile valley near Luxor. In the daily life of the farmer, between hopes and disappointments, change is a long time coming.

Festivals & Awards
2014 Best Film of Best World Documentary Film Award, Jihlava IDFF


場次地點 場次時間 場次備註 加入我的行程
新光二廳 2016/05/10 - 07:10 to 09:05 Login or Sign up
台中大墩文化中心 2017/02/23 - 05:30 to 07:25 Login or Sign up
台中沙鹿電影藝術館(沙鹿深波分館) 2017/02/24 - 02:00 to 03:55 Login or Sign up
國立臺灣文學館演講廳 2017/03/17 - 02:00 to 03:55 Login or Sign up
桃園光影電影館 2017/05/09 - 11:00 to 12:55 Login or Sign up
花蓮秀泰影城 2017/05/13 - 10:40 to 12:40 Login or Sign up

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