My Leg

My Leg

昆索莫翁Khon Soe Moe Aung
  • Germany
  • Myanmar
  • DCP
Asian Premiere P

My Leg


For over sixty years, different ethnic armed groups in Myanmar’s Kayah State have been fighting the Burmese Army in a civil war for freedom and independence. A group of war veterans have opened an artificial leg workshop near the city of Loikaw, constructing a hundred legs per year for fellow veterans with the same stroke of fate - regardless of which side of the conflict they were on.

Festivals & Awards
2015 Special Mention Award, Exground Filmfest Wiesbaden


場次地點 場次時間 場次備註 加入我的行程
新光二廳 2016/05/08 - 02:20 to 03:25 QA場 Login or Sign up
新光二廳 2016/05/09 - 07:10 to 08:15 QA場 Login or Sign up