Field Diary

Field Diary

阿默斯.吉泰Amos GITAI
  • France
  • Israel
  • Betacam SP

Field Diary


Director Amos Gitai boldly captures the chaotic and dangerous world of Iarael on the brink of war. In "Field Diary", he and his small crew risk their safety again and again, challenging soldiers and policemen with their questions, confronting Jews and Arabs alike about their opinions of the conflict. At one point, Gitai interviews two soldiers. The first says that the only way for Israel to have peace is to force all the Arabs out. The second soldier says, bluntly, "Give them back their land." In the simplicity of this moment, Gitai captures the turmoil of a nation. The film got a hostile reception when it debuted in Jerusalem, and Gitai subsequently was sent into exile.

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