Whose Is This Song?
Whose Is This Song?
Whose Is This Song?
"Whose Is This Song" is a film which shows some of the typical characteristics of the Balkan peoples, for example, their habit of appropriating all that is good and denying others the right to possess the same qualities, the same songs, the same customs, the same temperament. The film takes place in the countries of the Balkan region. The situation is in itself rather comical - the fight to prove that no one other than us can create such a beautiful song. At times, this fight becomes tragicomic and dramatic , takes twists and springs, surprises with the metamorphoses of the song and the emotions of the participants in the film. An exciting journey around Turkey, Greece, Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia, Serbia, and Bulgaria, a journey to all the places where people still sing this song which appears once as a love song, another time as a religious hymn, and even as a song inciting to battle.