Symphonic Episodes
Symphonic Episodes
Symphonic Episodes
"Symphonic Episodes" is a documentary about life, death and the cyclical aspect of it all, and some of the activities that man takes a part in, from the beginning until the end. It's some of the rituals performed in society; birth and death rituals - and what goes on in between work, play, and celebrations, among others. These episodes show different aspects of man: innocence, playfulness, indifference, religiousity, his birth, and his will to hold on to and prolong life, or what remains of who was once living. In the end, we are left with how man carries out certain activities or rituals, between the beginning and the end of his life, how sometimes the end of one cycle is the beginning of another, and how every activity somehow relates to another. Shot in Havana, Cuba, it is a documentary that lets the images speak for themselves, and along with its original score, interact with one another.