1.1 Acre Flat Screen

1.1 Acre Flat Screen

法蘭絲卡.蘭布斯,哈喬.莫德雷格Franziska LAMPRECHT,Hajoe MODEREGGER
  • United States
  • Betacam SP

1.1 Acre Flat Screen


A film about a yearlong effort to improve a 1.1 acre lot of desert land in Utah, which we purchased on September 4th, 2002, on ebay.The video starts with ways of finding a lot in the desert, using satellite mages, topographical maps, a compass and strings. It displays ideas and plans on how to improve the land's value and documents our preparations to face the unforgiving desert. In August 2003 we finally went back to the lot and stayed there in order to stop one of the nearby running trains. Train stops have often been the first sign of infrastructural improvement in an area and are also a way to make a living in the desert.

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