
Malleable Docu/Memory: Archival/Found Footage and More
Once recorded and documented, pieces of memory are sealed in reels, cassettes, photographs, papers and digital files– safeguarded by various forms of carriers. Nevertheless, a process of fading and being forgotten was simultaneously started. In this light, ‘to remember' is then an effort to make it visible, a rebellious act against oblivion, extracting memory from its carrier– be it archival or found, moving or still. Despite faded, twisted, decayed, and broken under the erosion of time, through strategies of reconstruction or fictionalisation, and techniques of collaging, splicing, superimposing, reversing, the apparition of memory thereby revives. Chances are, through re-interpretation and re-examination, the apparition of memory could be liberated and led to a state of reconciliation and further understanding.
I'm Trying to Remember
I'm Trying to Remember
Mother Dao, the Turtlelike
Mother Dao, the Turtlelike
When the Sea Sends Forth a Forest
When the Sea Sends Forth a Forest