The Trial

The Trial

烏里賽斯.德拉歐丹Ulises DE LA ORDEN
  • Argentina
  • France
  • Italy
  • Norway
  • DCP
Asian Premiere G

The Trial


In 1985 Buenos Aires, the trial of Argentina's last dictatorship unfolds, reminiscent of Nuremberg after WWII. Recorded on U-matic tapes, 90 days reveal testimonies of horror and a final verdict: 'Never Again'. The film delves into defenders, political positions, and victims' voices, narrating tales of torture and pain, encapsulating life and death within a courtroom.  

'The 90 days that the trial lasted were entirely recorded by the public television with two cameras on U-matic cassettes. The search for and access to the trial archive, 530 hours of footage, began in 2013. Dreaming about a documentary film that narrates what happened there, and at the same time tells the story of the Argentine horror and its justice process.   

'It was not easy to find the material. At the public television channel, which was in charge of the recording, they denied me any kind of collaboration for fear of political reprisals. At the General Archive of the Argentine Nation (AGN), which has the material in custody, they suggested that in order to avoid inconveniences I should look for the material at the University of Salamanca in Spain, which also has a copy of the material in custody. It seemed incredible. More than three decades after the trial, it still raised fears and reservations in small officials unable to make a decision and take the risks.  

'In 2019, after much walking, I learned, through my friends at the Luisa Hairebedian Foundation that the archival material, the 530 digitised hours, are in the custody of Memoria Abierta NGO. We met with the team, agreed on the guidelines to work together and then, finally, we were ready to start visualising the archive…. The Trial is the first cinematographic work that deals exhaustively with the archive of the Trial of the Juntas, the cornerstone of the process of justice for crimes against humanity in Argentina and it is an invaluable document for Humanity'. - Ulises DE LA ORDEN

Festivals & Awards
2023 Berlinale
2023 MoMA's Doc Fortnight
Director's Profile

Ulises graduated in Film Directing from Universidad del Cine, complementing his academic education with extensive work experience in the film industry. Since 1992, he has been actively involved in significant productions across Argentina, Chile, Hungary, France, India, Hong Kong, China, Canada, and England.

2006 Upstream
2011 Beyond Land
2013 Green Desert
2015 Human Trafficking
2017 Chaco
2019 The Sun Rises from the Ground
2019 Matter of Mind
2020 Wind and Tide
2021 Vilca, the Magic of Silence
2023 The Trial
Producer/Scriptwriter|Ulises DE LA ORDEN
Editor|Alberto PONCE
Cinematographer|Pablo PARRA
Sound|Gerardo KALMAR
Print Source


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京站威秀十廳 2024/05/10 - 19:00 to 21:57 映後座談 購票去 Login or Sign up
京站威秀十廳 2024/05/13 - 13:50 to 16:47 映後座談 購票去 Login or Sign up
京站威秀十廳 2024/05/19 - 16:20 to 19:17 購票去 Login or Sign up