Diamond Marine World

Diamond Marine World

黃琇怡HUANG Hsiu-yi
  • Taiwan
  • DCP

Diamond Marine World


With 20 years of shrimp farming expertise in Taiwan, Du ventured to Myanmar, unaware of the challenges ahead—white powders and guns. Sue, a Burmese-Chinese woman with shrimp farming dreams, married Jojo and took over her father's farm. United by ambition, Du and Sue aimed to create a 'Diamond Marine World'.

'Taiwan is close to Mainland Southeast Asia. A lot of Southeastern Asian labourers come to work in Taiwan. Taiwanese people often look at economically disadvantaged Southeast Asian countries through estranged, discriminatory glasses. I traveled along the Mekong River through Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam for three months in 2015. During that time, I met many Taiwanese people working away from home and became curious about their work and lives in Southeast Asia.

'In Diamond Marine World, the chef from Taiwan, "Du," with his Burmese employees, "Sue," and "Jojo," work together for an opportunity to become rich. Each of them made their sacrifices and choices in the quest for success. They have also lost their trust due to inner demons and conflicts. What is the definition of success in different cultures and systems of values? To become wealthy or to live in the present? In this film, I think the audience can eventually catch sight of humanity and understand this estranged country, Myanmar.' - HUANG Hsiu-yi

Festivals & Awards
2024 Jury Prize, TIDF Taiwan Competition
2023 Grand Prize, Best Documentary, Taipei Film Awards
2022 Silver Award and Audience Choice Award, Women Make Waves IFF
Director's Profile
HUANG Hsiu-yi

Huang Hsiu-yi, a documentary director and producer, studied at the Graduate Institute of Documentary & Film Archiving at Tainan National University of the Arts. She has experience in film festival curation and producing features and experimental films. She prefers to stay in the countryside than in big cities. Her works mainly focus on women, adolescents, and environmental issues. In 2015, She traveled along the Mekong River through Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam. After returning to Taiwan, she began the shooting plan for Diamond Marine World.

2004 She Is Dancing
2008 Dialog in Spring
2009 Grandma's Ring
2022 Diamond Marine World
Cinematographer|WANG Chen-yu, HUANG Hsiu-yi
Editor|TSAI Yi-fen
Music| Zavi TSAI
Sound Mix|CHANG Che-hung
Print Source
HUANG Hsiu-yi|lala.jesuis@gmail.com


場次地點 場次時間 場次備註 加入我的行程
聲泊廳 2024/12/14 - 13:30 to 16:05 映後座談 報名去 Login or Sign up
大同戲院 2024/12/29 - 14:00 to 16:35 映後座談 Login or Sign up
中興文創園區紙廠電影院 2025/01/12 - 14:00 to 16:35 映後座談 索票去 Login or Sign up
新港閱讀館5F 2025/02/15 - 14:00 to 16:35 映後座談 報名去 Login or Sign up