Libangbang: Ching-Wen's Not Home

Libangbang: Ching-Wen's Not Home

郭珍弟KUO Chen-ti
  • Taiwan
  • DCP

Libangbang: Ching-Wen's Not Home


The film was shot in two periods. Initially, during Kuo's visit to Ching-wen rebuilding his parents' home, unplanned as a documentary. Later, funding came, but Ching-wen left for Taipei. Kuo returned to Orchid Island, capturing memories of Ching-wen.  

'Over these years, moving between Taiwan and Orchid Island, I shared many joyful moments with Ching-wen. I hoped to document his life on the island and even wrote a script for him. Yet, after years of waiting, when I finally received a bit of funding to film, he had to leave Orchid Island.' – KUO Chen-ti

Festivals & Awards
2000 TIDF
2001 Yamagata IDFF
Director's Profile
KUO Chen-ti

Kuo Chen-Ti was born in 1965 in Taiwan. She received her master of fine arts degree from Dept. of Radio-TV-Film, Temple University, U.S.A. She started directing theatre works during her college days and making her films at graduate school. Her film works include both documentary and fiction films. She has also written two award-winning scripts, ‘Bicycle Diary’ and ‘Snow Red.’

1990 《呈像》
1992 《鬱金香》
1993 《生命的吶喊》
1994 《庫巴的呼喚》
1994 《華燈初上》
1994 《等待》
1994 《老羅與我們》
1995 《尋找賴和之獄中日記》
1996 《老闆擱再來》
1996 《基隆河的故事》
1997 《牛》
1998 《黑色童話》
1998 《百里香煎魚》
1999 Wang Zhi-ming
1999 Si-inreshan
2000 Libangbang: Ching-Wen's Not Home
2000 Li Dao Yi Liao Ji Shi
2001 Guang Jiao Jing
2004 《禮拜堂的華爾滋──台灣聲樂教育的先驅林秋錦》
2009 Step by Step
2012 Trapped;Trapped in Sea
2014 The Boar King
2014 Trapped at Sea, Lost in Time
2020 Love Talk
2021 Final Exam
Producer|KUO Chen-ti
Cinematographer| CHOU I-wen
Editor|KUO Chen-ti, LIN Shy-Woan
Music|LAI Chin-kai
Print Source
Tosee Publisher|Philia CHENG|


場次地點 場次時間 場次備註 加入我的行程
花蓮鐵道電影院 2024/12/15 - 16:00 to 17:44 Login or Sign up
米倉生活館 2025/01/11 - 14:00 to 16:11 報名去 Login or Sign up