Born in Lima, Peru in 1951, she was trained as a filmmaker in Rome and has lived and worked in the Netherlands since 1978. Her films have traveled all around the world receiving major awards and important retrospectives in Toronto, the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, Paris, Berlin, Minneapolis, Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia, Ontario, Utrecht, Grasz, Chicago, and Berkeley among others. She is also a recipient of the Hot Docs Outstanding Achievement Award and the Living Legend Award at IDFA.
Forever explores the enduring power of art at Paris' Père-Lachaise cemetery. Through the eyes of visitors, it reveals the tranquil beauty of the graveyard. The cemetery emerges as both a resting place and a source of solace and inspiration for the living.
Michael GUILLÉN: 'If it is true that the etymological root of religion is the Latin "religare"- which means "to tie, to fasten, to bind"- then perhaps it is memory itself that binds the living to the dead, accounting for what I've long accepted as the religiosity of memory. Honigmann skillfully captures the nature of that religiosity, its faithfulness, its evocation.’
The 35mm print of the film is offered by the EYE Filmmuseum.
Festivals & Awards
2007 Full Frame DFF
2010 TIDF
Director's Profile
1979 L'Israeli dei Beduini
1981 Het vuur
1982 The Other Side
1983 The White Umbrella
1984 Uit & Thuis
1985 The Front Door
1988 Mind Shadows
1989 Your Opinion, Please
1990 Ghatak
1990 Four Times My Heart
1991 Stories I Tell Myself
1993 Metal and Melancholy
1994 In de schaduw
1995 Goodbye
1996 O Amor Natural
1997 The Underground Orchestra
1998 2 Minutes Silence, Please
1999 Crazy
2000 Private
2001 Good Husband, Dear Son
2003 Give Me Your Hand
2004 Food for Love: A Shtelt That's No Longer There
2005 Framed Marriage
2006 Forever
2007 Dutch Junkies
2007 Emoticons
2008 Oblivion
2011 And Then One Day
2011 West Side Stories
2012 Memories of Fire
2014 Around the World in 50 Concerts
2018 Buddy
2020 100Up
2021 There is No Path

Producer|Carmen CABOS
Cinematographer|Robert ALAZRAKI
Editor|Danniel DANNIEL
Print Source
Cobos Films||Print courtesy of Eye Filmmuseum