The Veiled City

The Veiled City

娜塔莉.庫比德斯布萊迪Natalie CUBIDES-BRADY
  • United Kingdom
  • DCP
Asian Premiere G

The Veiled City


The Veiled City is a sci-fi city symphony inspired by London's Great Smog of 1952. Merging reality with fiction, the film invites us to understand the smog in the context of the present-day climate crisis.

'I was interested in working with archive material in a way that allowed me to reappropriate the footage while not completely separating it from its original context. I approached the edit with an overall story arc in mind, but the actual script emerged from working with the material itself—we cut a first assembly guided by visual storytelling and music, and I wrote the script in response to this first cut. I feel that combining fictional and documentary conventions creates the space to explore subjective and poetic aspects of shared reality. My hope is that by taking a creative and psycho-geographic approach to a subject like the Great Smog of 1952, I can create a cinematic experience that explores the new set of emotional and intellectual complexities we all now face as a species.' - Natalie CUBIDES-BRADY

Festivals & Awards
2023 Berlinale
2023 Sundance London
Director's Profile

A filmmaker with a background in visual arts working at the intersection of documentary and fiction, she is fascinated by the relationship between landscape, time and memory. Her previous short hybrid documentary, Beyond the North Winds was selected for Visions du Réel, Karlovy Vary, Edinburgh and Sundance London. It was nominated for an IDA Documentary Award and Best British Short by the London Critics Circle. In 2019, she graduated from the National Film and Television School (NFTS) with a MA in Documentary Directing. Upon graduating, she was invited to take part in European Film Promotion's Future Frames: Generation Next. In 2021,  she had a project selected for the Short Form Station at Berlinale Talents. Natalie is from British-Colombian heritage. She is currently developing her debut feature.

2018 After the Silence
2019 Beyond the North Winds: a Post Nuclear Reverie
2023 The Veiled City
Producer|Jacob SWAN HYAM
Scriptwriter|Natalie CUBIDES-BRADY
Music|Athena VAROSIO
Print Source


場次地點 場次時間 場次備註 加入我的行程
華山光點二廳 2024/05/11 - 14:20 to 15:47 購票去 Login or Sign up
京站威秀九廳 2024/05/18 - 18:20 to 19:47 購票去 Login or Sign up