Ma'ohi Nui, in the Heart of the Ocean My Country Lies

Ma'ohi Nui, in the Heart of the Ocean My Country Lies

安妮克.海瑟林Annick GHIJZELINGS
  • Belgium
  • DCP
Asian Premiere G

Ma'ohi Nui, in the Heart of the Ocean My Country Lies


French colonial history and 30 years of nuclear tests have filled Tahitian shantytowns with an alienated and tired people. Today the Ma'ohi people have forgotten their language, ignored their history and lost their connection to their land and to the world. The film shows the face of contemporary colonisation and the vital impetus of a people trying not to forget themselves and silently seeking the path of independence.

Festivals & Awards
2018 Berlinale


場次地點 場次時間 場次備註 加入我的行程
新光二廳 2018/05/05 - 04:40 to 06:35 QA場 Login or Sign up
新光二廳 2018/05/08 - 02:10 to 04:05 QA場 Login or Sign up
新光二廳 2018/05/11 - 03:00 to 04:55 QA場 Login or Sign up