Small Talk

Small Talk

黃惠偵HUGAN Hui-chen
  • Taiwan
  • DCP

Small Talk


We live in the same space, my mother and I. But we are like strangers under one roof. Our only exchanges are the meals she cooks and leaves for me on our dining table. No hellos, no goodbyes, and no ‘I love you’. Silence permeates our house as I watch her, knowing that beneath the deafening silence lies a secret that weighs heavily on her, keeping her from speaking. But am I ready to hear what she has to say?

Festivals & Awards
2017 Best Documentary Film, Berlinale Teddy Award


場次地點 場次時間 場次備註 加入我的行程
新光一廳 2018/05/04 - 08:30 to 10:00 QA場 Login or Sign up
華山光點一廳 2018/05/07 - 13:00 to 14:30 QA場 Login or Sign up
華山光點一廳 2018/05/13 - 02:00 to 03:30 得獎加映 Login or Sign up
台中大墩文化中心 2019/02/26 - 10:40 to 12:10 QA Login or Sign up
彰化縣立圖書館演講廳 2019/03/23 - 04:00 to 05:30 Login or Sign up
中影屏東影城 2019/04/28 - 06:20 to 07:49 QA Login or Sign up
澎湖風向空間 2019/05/05 - 11:00 to 12:29 Login or Sign up
雲林科技大學圖書館8FAL808視聽室 2019/05/09 - 02:00 to 03:29 Login or Sign up
嘉義越在嘉文化棧 2019/05/25 - 11:00 to 12:29 QA Login or Sign up