The Age of Awakening

The Age of Awakening

柯金源KE Chin-yuan
  • Taiwan
  • DCP
World Premiere G

The Age of Awakening


This film re-examines major environmental movements and events in Taiwan from the 1980s to 2018, including the protest against LCY Chemical Corp in Hsinchu, anti-DuPont movement in Lukang, movement against the expansion of petrochemical industry, anti-nuclear and anti-air pollution protests. It is a compilation of over 30 years of documentary footage and interviews of those who took part in the protests.


TIDF Outstanding Contribution Award


場次地點 場次時間 場次備註 加入我的行程
新光二廳 2018/05/13 - 05:40 to 07:10 QA場 Login or Sign up
台中大墩文化中心 2019/02/28 - 04:40 to 06:30 QA Login or Sign up
雲林科技大學圖書館8FAL808視聽室 2019/05/06 - 05:00 to 06:49 Login or Sign up
25 X 40藝文空間 2019/05/19 - 06:00 to 07:49 Login or Sign up
澎湖風向空間 2019/05/26 - 11:00 to 12:49 Login or Sign up

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