Born in 1979, lives in Berlin. Grisey uses film, editorial and photographic works to address politics of memory, architecture, migration and agriculture (such as the films First Part, The Red Star (2006) with F. Lazar; Cooperative (2008); The Exchange of Perspectives Is a Dangerous Game; The Big Worm (2011); Love and Progress (2014); Remainders (2015).
Crossing Voices
Crossing Voices
Crossing Voices
Crossing Voices recounts the adventure of Somankidi Coura, an agricultural cooperative founded in Mali in 1977 by migrant workers from West Africa living in France. The story of this improbable utopia of returning to the country follows a tortuous path that sheds light on the ecological stakes and struggles on the African continent since the 1970s.

Born in 1948, lives in Paris and Somankidi Coura, Mali. Photographer since the 1970s, he documented the lives and struggles of migrant workers and peasants in France and Mali. Touré co-founded the Co-op of Somankidi Coura in 1977. In 2015, he published the book Notre case est à Saint Denis, Xérographes Publishers. Since the 1980s, Touré has exhibited works and given talks in associative and foyer circles and more recently in art institutions. His photographic work has been presented amongst other places at the Bamako Encounters 2019.