Once Upon a Time There Was a Mom

Once Upon a Time There Was a Mom

林赫昂Lin Htet Aung
  • Myanmar
  • DCP

Once Upon a Time There Was a Mom


Following his wife's death, the father regresses to his son's age. Metaphorically, the film depicts the history of Burma by juxtaposing it with the Vessantara Jātaka tale.  

'When I was stuck at home after the first wave of COVID, I found out how our country is also like a strange family. I researched how the family members (ethnics) deal with each other in the country with the longest civil war and repeated dictatorship after we gained independence from the British Colony. As the story is about the several oppression eras in my country, Myanmar (from before colonial period to the contemporary days) metaphorically, I choose the concept of archiving. I found that there is only one black and white silent film in our country which is archived as an important film... So I made this piece to look like another archived black and silent film of Myanmar which was made in the past era, and we found and restored it like it was important.' - Lin Htet Aung

Festivals & Awards
2023 IFF Rotterdam
2023 SGIFF
Director's Profile
Lin Htet Aung

Born in 1998, Lin Htet Aung is a self-taught filmmaker based in Myanmar. He started making short films in 2017. In 2020, his experimental short film Estate won "Silver Screen Award – Best Director" in the Southeast Asian Short Film Competition at the 31st Singapore International Film Festival. His short films have been selected at International Film Festival Rotterdam, Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, LINOLEUM Contemporary Animation and Media Art Festival, Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg, Ruang Rantau Exhibition (US), Ecological Futurisms (UK) and so on. He is always seeking the magic of changing details in his environment through time and composes them as dysfunctional stories in his artworks.

2017 Silence!
2019 Shower at 1AM
2020 Estate
2020 The Green Frog and The Red Rose
2021 Seeking Wombs for Rebirths
2021 A February Dream of a Young Boy Living In a Country where Dogs Became Celestials Again
2022 Eclipse
2022 Me and My Country Pornography
2023 Once Upon a Time There Was a Mom
Producer/Scriptwriter|Lin Htet Aung
Editor|Myo Min Khin
Cinematographer|Ku Ki
Production Designer|Khon Tha
Costume Designer|Wit Yee
Sound|Mg Thar Nge
Music|Ko Doo
Cast|Htar Thit Sar, Neddy Swan, Soe Moe Lwin, Daw Win Mar Myint, Ye Htike Lu, Thet Htoo San, Aung Bhone Myint, Saw Yen Naung, Htet Aung Linn, Kyaw Khaing Soe, Aye Chick Su
Print Source
Lin Htet Aung|linnhtutaung.tdi1@gmail.com


場次地點 場次時間 場次備註 加入我的行程
華山光點一廳 2024/05/17 - 21:00 to 22:12 購票去 Login or Sign up
華山光點一廳 2024/05/18 - 15:10 to 16:22 購票去 Login or Sign up