For My Alien Friend

For My Alien Friend

傑特.雷伊可Jet LEYCO
  • Philippines
  • DCP
Int'l Premiere

For My Alien Friend


A lone stranger broadcasts fragments of life he has experienced from different time and space, hoping to make a connection and communicate with other beings of life. Like a time capsule, this film contains artefacts of the first Filipinos, a family, a political upheaval, and the existence / non-existence of God, in an interactive and very obtrusive form rarely seen in conventional Filipino documentaries. Scan the QR Codes before and after the film for more hidden messages!

Festivals & Awards
2019 QCinema IFF
2020 FAMAS Awards


場次地點 場次時間 場次備註 加入我的行程
華山光點一廳 2021/04/30 - 04:00 to 05:30 映前導讀+映後Q&A短片 Login or Sign up
華山光點一廳 2021/05/05 - 06:30 to 08:00 映後Q&A短片 Login or Sign up

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