Life in Wittstock

Life in Wittstock

弗柯・克普Volker KOEPP
  • German Democratic Republic (GDR)
  • 35mm

Life in Wittstock


In 1974, the filmmaker began his 23-year journey of filming the women workers in a newly built textile factory in the town of Wittstock, East Germany. Life in Wittstock is the fifth instalment in the series; by then, nearly 3,000 women were working in the factory. In this film, three of the workers talk about the changes in the town, their promotions at work, and the choices and compromises they have made in their lives over the years.

Festivals & Awards
1984 Award of the Film Critics Association of the GDR
1984 Silver Dove DOK Leipzig


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新光一廳 2021/04/30 - 04:00 to 05:22 Login or Sign up

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