Scheme Birds

Scheme Birds

艾倫.菲斯克, 艾莉諾.哈林Ellen FISKE, Ellinor HALLIN
  • Sweden
  • United Kingdom
  • DCP

Scheme Birds


Bleak yet ultimately beautiful, Scheme Birds is a coming-of-age documentary, bursting with the frustration of a generation of Scots let down by society's promises. We see the fading steel town, Motherwell, through the eyes of Gemma, a soon-to-be mother on the verge of adulthood. In a place where you 'either get knocked up or locked up', Gemma carves out brief moments of tenderness amidst the violence of her local housing estate.

Festivals & Awards
2019 Tribeca FF
2019 DMZ Docs


場次地點 場次時間 場次備註 加入我的行程
新光三廳 2021/05/02 - 10:00 to 11:26 Login or Sign up
新光三廳 2021/05/04 - 07:50 to 09:16 Login or Sign up

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