Soil without Land

Soil without Land

南塔瓦.努班查邦Nontawat NUMBENCHAPOL
  • Thailand
  • DCP

Soil without Land


For over 50 years, a civil war has been waged between the Shan people, the largest ethnic minority group in Burma, and the Burmese military. Jai Sang Lod, a young stateless Shan man living in the disputed borderlands between Burma and Northern Thailand, reluctantly submits himself to become a soldier for the Shan State Army. Trained to fight for Shan sovereignty as a lifetime duty, he yearns for a piece of identification and a steady living.

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華山光點一廳 2021/05/02 - 02:00 to 03:20 映後Q&A短片 Login or Sign up
華山光點一廳 2021/05/06 - 07:30 to 08:50 映後Q&A短片 Login or Sign up