Chin-song and Xiao-shah's Wedding Plaza

Chin-song and Xiao-shah's Wedding Plaza

李孟哲LEE Meng-zhe
  • Taiwan
  • Blu-Ray

Chin-song and Xiao-shah's Wedding Plaza


Chin-song and Xiao-shah are getting married. The joyous couple’s loving confessions and their aspirations in life are captured in close-up shots. Juxtaposing the interior shots of the newlyweds’ apartment with rooftop views, the director also depicts how they react when confronted with domestic and financial realities. When documenting the life of Chin-song, a fellow male cameraman, director LEE Meng-zhe returns from scenes of social activism to reflection and exploration of the self.

Festivals & Awards
1994 China Times Express Film Awards


場次地點 場次時間 場次備註 加入我的行程
華山光點二廳 2021/05/02 - 05:30 to 06:17 Login or Sign up

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