And Deliver Us from Evil

And Deliver Us from Evil

希.雅布書卡嫩(張淑蘭)Si Yabosokanen
  • Taiwan
  • Blu-Ray

And Deliver Us from Evil


According to the Tao people’s traditional beliefs, illness was a sign of supernatural possession by evil spirits. Many patients thus became isolated, unable to receive any medical care. A native of the Orchid Island (Lanyu) where she worked as a nurse, the filmmaker initiated a program in 1997, recruiting some 40 volunteers to visit and care for homebound elderly patients against considerable social pressure. This documentary captures the powerful dilemma when traditional values clash with compassion.

Festivals & Awards
2001 Closing Film Taiwan Int'l Ethnographic FF


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華山光點一廳 2021/05/05 - 11:20 to 13:10 映後座談 Login or Sign up

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